Developer: Funnaut - 107 444 playsAs soon as the dark times ended and the devil of the abyss, Ssyba was imprisoned, Arcuz became a peaceful little village, without a care in the world. Alas, monsters have been spotted again on the outskirts of the village. Has the evil returned? Arcuz is a fantastic RPG that draws on Zelda and Diablo, where you fight your way through 18 maps, taking on dozens of different monsters. Upgrade your character by undertaking various quests, master new powers and gather more than 100 weapons.

why cant i play anymore? i tried it on multiple different browser its still wont work. like Ruffle keeps loading never ending loading
1 year ago -
couple issues with playing this game on any website on your browser; cant dupe items on any og the gaming websites, mobs are all the same color regardless of their level and just say what element they are, game gets extremely laggy if you use any activated skill like whirlwind. supernova://play/?swfurl=[link not allowed] this link lets you play through kongregate but on the supernova flash player and seems to fix all these issues with the game. you can dupe items, the mobs are the correct colors, and no lag when using skills. Oh and you can actually save your game unlike playing through newgrounds flash player.
2 years ago -
In chapter 3, the quest "Saving Anna", are you able to complete it. I had to switch from ArmorGames because when doing the quest, it wouldn't spawn two slimes after killing all the other enemies preventing me from finishing the game.
2 years ago -
where you fight your way through 18 maps, taking on dozens of different [link not allowed] he village. Has the evil returned?
3 years ago -
Try This Game Im Sure Your Are Happy After Game This bad ice cream 3 on hudgames
5 years ago -
I found it on appstore, it's really a good game. you can search arcuz on appstore to found it.
1 year ago -