(Controls type can be changed in the game options)
Bullet Heaven 3
Developer: KupoGames - 21 313 playsBullet Heaven 3 is a shooting game developed for the Flash Forward Game Jam, an event organized by Newgrounds to celebrate the end of Flash Player. Control your avatar and lock your shot towards monsters to target and eliminate them, move with agility to avoid all enemy projectiles, every time you get hit you will lose a life. Bullet Heaven 3 was created by KupoGames (Epic Battle Fantasy, Adventure Story), the game uses the universe, the bestiary and the music of other titles. Even if it was created quickly to pay tribute to flash games, the title still offers long hours of play to be completed at 100%. You will be able to buy dozens of upgrades for your avatar and try to complete each level with the highest score.

i finally beat the game in 394 days 23 hours 45 minutes and 82 seconds i recomend
2 years ago -
This game is an Undertale passive + The Binding of Isaac trainer. Play this game to improve your dodging skills for both of the games.
2 years ago -
wierd controls its bad just beat it on hard its good when you get use to the bad controls
2 years ago -
guys theres hope to back our flash games how download super nova i download it and when i try a flash game super nova make a screen in my desk top ( main screen ) and the game work if anyone want bleach vs naruto then download super nova :) tell me is it work whit u too or no
3 years ago -
I dont get why they made the new game a flash one when flash is gone for 2 months
4 years ago -
my memories are back i love epic battle fantasy games a lot i play i cant stop playing but when the adobe flash player come i cant play this game agian but there is this game is backing the memories thanks for the creator of epic battle fantasy for giving me a hope to me back to play ur games
4 years ago -
it take frever to lode
2 years ago -