Developer: GoalieSave25 - 214 673 playsThe battles will be intense and the action will be frenetic in DeadShot.io, a 3D multiplayer shooter in which you must eliminate your enemies to score points. You can choose between 4 different classes, each with a specific weapon. In the Free For All game mode the objective will be to make a maximum of elimination to increase your score. Matches last 5 minutes and the best players will receive gold at the end of the game. In the second game mode, HardPoint, you will have to play as a team to take control of a point on the map. The more players on your team on the point, the faster your score increases. By registering for free you will have access to detailed statistics of your profile, you will be able to obtain rewards and accomplish many challenges.

the spawnpoints are dookie, the players literally spawn behind you
1 week ago -