FNF Spooky Mix
Developer: Denoohay - 118 450 playsThe most frightening and unruly terrible children of the city are back in the FNF Spooky Mix mod! In great shape and more energetic than ever, Skid and Pump will be the playable characters in 18 spoOoOoOoOky remixes of some of your favorite songs from the original Friday Night Funkin' game. For Halloween, the creators have concocted a mod with very successful remixed songs, a graphical reskin of the levels and new voices. Moloch, a major antagonist in the Spooky Month series, replaces Girlfriend and will be a spectator of the rap battles. The quality of the music and the mod in general almost gives the impression that this mod is an official sequel to the original game. For once, Boyfriend and Girlfriend step aside for other protagonists, but it's all for the greater enjoyment of Spooky Month universe fans.
Discover more mods with Skid and Pump by playing FNF Spookin Beyond and FNF Funkin' Mix.
Director, artist, composer: Denoohay
Artists: Givemethesalt - Official_ NO
Composer, charter, voices: RubyyyButCool
Artists, composers, charters: LeGooey - Swagsalt - SacredSky - Andrewman_19
Composers, charters: Clarky_Dev - LimeIsHere - ChuckySkullHead
Composers: Eden_essence - Jotacast - Y_F_MUS - Vaderlings - Rofos - QuasarXP - Thrick - SolarDTM - KrakenPower - RandoHorn - Alewito - SBMB - Rareblin
You can download FNF Spooky Mix from the Original mod page.

spoookey month is in October woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I was trying to act like a ghost.
1 month ago -
This is the single greatest thing I've every seen whoever made this you nailed the look of FNF style and also it look like it took ages to make W mod 10/10 would recommend
3 months ago -
The description is so bad bro...
Moloch (GF replacement for skid and pump) is not a new character...
3 months ago -
- <1 2 3 >
it freezes
1 month ago -