FNF The Unmasked Toys
Developer: Kiwii - 105 866 playsWith FNF The Unmasked Toys mod, you will get to see the Toy Story heroes in a whole new light. Your favorite toys may not be as you imagine! Their usual appearance in animated films is probably just a facade that hides their true personality. The mod features 6 rap battles inspired by different parodies and creepypasta. The first song, "Sweet Dreams," is based on the video Five Night At Woody's. The battle "Out of Here" adopts the design and uses dialogue from the Toy Story Black Friday Reel video. "Perfection" is an original creation for The Unmasked Toys, introducing the anguished and corrupt character of Woody Lost Parts. The battle "Shut Up Buzz" is based on the video and the song Cursed Woody Sings A Song, where Woody challenges Buzz Lightyear in a rap battle. "Lets Play Forever" is inspired by the famous creepypasta Woody.exe.
Note: At the beginning of the song Sweet Dreams there is a black screen for about thirty seconds, which is normal.
Songs list:
Sweet Dreams - Out of here - Perfection - No Regrets - Lets Play Forever - Shut Up Buzz
Mod Creator: Kiwii
Directors: Yeetllama - Miguel_Artist - JolteionXD - GeekCupYT
Co-directors: TailsTeZ - EmaDraw - Fimbulveter
Artists: Majekakecaje - TailsTeZ - Ladora31- Pokyoli_delimon - DanyG7 - Moyma301 - VoidBoy2006 - Comz666 - eg6348
Animator: CrashBNashe / Musician: GKN_og
Chromatics: Ostarfi / Voice actor: Garnishedead / Special thanks: Daylightfnf
You can download FNF The Unmasked Toys from the Original mod page.

the week 2 notes are too big! but still can beat it, and the week 5 music one combines with the loading screen
9 months ago -
I'm a pro FNF player and I have to say, they did really dang good with this thing.
9 months ago -
I really hope we get another matt mod like mat rev mix or void matt 2.0 which one you you guys like to see in my opinion I like to see voiid matt 2.0
9 months ago -
This Mods Amazing Fr *All the Songs are good* Also all Death Animations Are amazing There's A Different Death Screen For Every Song Which I Think is Cool.
9 months ago -
- <1 2 3 >
i like play forever it's the best
2 months ago -