FNF Vs. Doors
Developer: Leetram - 1 100 040 playsIn FNF Vs. Doors Boyfriend and Girlfriend have ventured into a strange hotel but something is wrong. They roam the corridors and open dozens of doors until they have a terrible encounter! It's time to take the mic for some rap battles. The first opponent will be the terrifying Rush, he will surprise Boyfriend and force him to sing to the music Demise, Rushing and Hide. Later, in a dark hallway, a new rap battle will begin against the ghost Halt. Attention Halt will sometimes be in front of you and sometimes behind you, do not approach it and turn around when the danger is too close! The third monster you will have to face in music will be Seek. He will pursue Boyfriend in a hallway on the frantic rhythms of the song "Encounter". The rest of the duel will be on the song "Abuse", another difficult challenge to take up! Boyfriend also has the opportunity to face a slightly less terrifying opponent but it will still be necessary to keep the rhythm against a tiny beast during the song "Small Spider".
Songs list:
Demise - Rushing - Hide - Small Spider - Encounter - Halt - Abuse
Directors: Yosibu - Leetram - Kaleidoscoper - Rochi
Artists and animators: BlueRJ - Merrimation - ChemicalArtist - BackupPotatoDJ - ChillzCubed - Catimbas - ripsyhehe - Hris - Joshie - Zat Bryllar - Ca!!u - Idiot boy - Sussy Cardboi - Giannesreal
Musicians: EroAxer - FMDev - TYTOfGodness - Waldo69 - Kat999Yt - Iceydrip - TheRealAxylus - Amirr - Father Sam - Protosquare - Waleter
Charters: BroNilo - IglooLKMN - Saladjusted
You can download FNF Vs. Doors from the Original mod page.

SUUUPEER underrated mod tbh all the sprites and suff are smooth but ngl BF's running sprite needs some work bcuz some of his limbs look shorter or longer than his other ones and the faces dont really fit together
1 month ago -
OK SO I just figured out how to do this only 20 misses and 67.98% good to know how to do this W mod btw
2 months ago -
I have a question why does the hints for Halt say hit sticks on right hit spacebar on left BUT YOU STILL DIE IF YOU DON'T HIT THE STICKS BUT YOU HIT/HOLD SPACE I HAD TO TRY AND SIT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BAR ENDED WITH 200 MISSES AND 45% WHAT IS THAT
3 months ago -
- <1 2 3 4… 16 >
1 week ago -