Friday Night Fever
Developer: Helloitsmako - 1 520 627 playsPlay the role of Fever the city mayor in the mod FNF Vs. Fever Town for Friday Night Funkin'. After a hectic space trip you crashed in a strange city and soon after became mayor. Files are starting to pile up in this city populated by misfits and repentant criminals and the situation with your girlfriend is also tense. Will you be able to handle all of the city's problems in song through 6 full weeks and face the many opponents who will come to your office to challenge you. Friday Night Fever features 20 brand new songs, full dialogue for each week, and two new difficulty modes, Baby and Hard +.
Friday Night Fever Taki's Revenge: Two new weeks have been added. Week 2.5 offers two new songs, Prayer and Bad-nun and the bonus week "???" adds three new songs, Hallow, Portrait and Soul.
Leaders : helloitsmako - CesarFever
Musicians : foodieti - Biddle3 - Birdbonanza - furious potato
Programmers : Rifxii - TKTems - KadeDeveloper
Artists : MegaFreedom1274 - CircleMan - Winkelsas - Pierogii - Kermo Giovanna - DevMallus - Dellacide - wolfiedust1 - heartlocket - Wee_Jr
Charter : Vortmite1
You can download FNF Vs. Fever Town from the Original mod page.

LOL here's a funny fact about this mod, if you're in the credits, and you see a "???" button, don't press it, it's a rickroll. XD
6 months ago -
Lol i remember back in 2021 i used to go onto fandom and read the dialogue because i didn't know that websites like these existed.
7 months ago -
Ok dawg let's all be honest, all of taki's songs CARRIED this mod!!! Edit: oh wait I stand corrected week 3 was a BOP!!!
8 months ago -
It took me beating pretty much the entire mod for me to realize that this is actually an almost exact copy of the original Friday Night Funkin game. Week six is copies both the story, background, and animations as week five of FNF, the sprite for Fever and BF are pretty much the same, and most of the other weeks correspond with a similar one in the original FNF. Also, the extra song "Space Demons" uses Pico's sprite, but with Fever's outfit and the Hating Simulator background. It's cool, but makes sense.
9 months ago -
- <1 2 3 4… 32 >
probably my favourite mod, ong
2 weeks ago -