Gun Orphan
Developer: Rat Thing - 33 745 playsOrphan is a CIA agent with special talents and psychic powers that make her the best element of her promotion. After a short training by the director of the agency in person you will be teleported to a secret base to search for and beat Dark Orphan. She is the most powerful Psychic on the planet and leads an army of cyborg-ninja-zombies, she feeds on the hearts of her many defeated enemies to survive. To carry out your mission you will be able to use weapons but also your powers such as the shadow sprint which will allow you to teleport a short distance as well as the mind ray which gives you telekinesis abilities! Explore the secret base and eliminate your enemies without getting hit by their shots, the default game mode will offer a rather difficult challenge because you will only have three lives per level. Gun Orphan is a shooter that will immerse you in the heart of the action with a sustained pace and to a background of lively music.
Hella fun
9 months ago -