(You can rebind keys by clicking on the "controller" icon at the bottom of the game)
Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land
Developer: Nintendo - 618 415 playsA new challenge awaits our little pink hero in Kirby: Nightmare In Dream Land, a game originally appeared on Game Boy Advance in 2003. In this episode, the kingdom of Kirby is seriously threatened because the machiavellian King Dadidou has stolen the magic stick which is the source of power of the fountain of dreams. Not content with stealing the precious artifact, Dadidou has broken it into several pieces and donated to its villain servants. Your task will be to help our hero Kirby to retrieve the stick. Take part in a long and exciting adventure, full of dangers, discoveries and surprises.

This is a very nice game, Meta Knightmare mode is very cool because getting to play the game as someone else as a reward for beating both the game, and the Extra mode is very cool. I think Having Meta Knight having less health and not being able to save makes the game a little difficult for my taste.
11 months ago -
idk if this Kirby game is the best I may think that the amazing mirror could be better havent tried ether yet edit: best Kirby game the best thing the title screen music
1 year ago -
they should add kirby games for N-DS (Nintendo Ds) btw i kept dashing on da final boss you and have 2 try it its really cool
1 year ago -
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idk what to do in level 4 boss fight i keep on dying to him
11 months ago -