(You can rebind keys by clicking on the "controller" icon at the bottom of the game)
Pokemon Ash Gray
Developer: Game Freak - 575 945 playsPokemon Ash Gray is a game created by fans, it is based on the FireRed version and tells the story of the first 50 episodes of the Pokemon animated series. You play as Ash Ketchum who is the main hero of the series and your adventure to become the best Pokemon trainer will start in the village of Pallet Town after a short night. You will quickly (almost) choose your first Pokemon and make the meeting with your chief rival, Regis, the grand-son of Professor Chen. A gigantic epic awaits you with hundreds of Pokemon to collect, a huge world to discover and dozens of opponents to beat.

Tip for lt surge if you level up charmander to at least lvl 27 you will withstand most attacks and fire spin will hit hard
7 months ago -
Mu5ty000 the game was meant to go to saffronn city and battle sabrina if the sabrina glitch is happening restart your game , i had to also
7 months ago -
@cricri4884 said The game crashes every time I'm in Saffron. Especially when I try to talk to Jessie and James... I love this game but this bug is really more than annoying
7 months ago -
Le jeu bloque à chaque fois que je suis à Safrania. Surtout quand je tente de parler avec Jessie et James... J'adore ce jeu mais ce bug est vraiment plus qu'agaçant
10 months ago -
brock started with onix not geodude
11 months ago -
This game forces you to have ashes Pokemon, I caught a Spearow and the game threw a fit therefore it crashed
1 year ago -
@gengar 19 go to the pokemon center near the bike path and ask nurse joy she will give you a package to deliver and a bike
1 year ago -
- <1 2 3 4… 8 >
I'm a big fan of Pokemon
1 month ago -