(You can rebind keys by clicking on the "controller" icon at the bottom of the game)
Pokemon Emerald
Developer: Game Freak - 1 963 225 playsCatch them all, they said! After having fought long and hard in the previous episode, Pokemon is back with its Emerald version, introducing a whole new, immense adventure with even more little beasts to catch and add to your collection. This game is adapted from the Gameboy Advance version that came out in 2005. With a huge realm to explore and countless mascots to catch, Pokemon Emerald guarantees hours of fun.

Probelikeyou, the only way you can do it without a computer is by getting a keyboard and an adapter for that keyboard, to connect to your device.
1 month ago -
The game always finds some way to reload I haven't gotten a single run without the game just somehow reloading and me losing al of my progress.
2 months ago -
I love the game, but I didn't save it and I lost a lot and I don't remember how to get the team away from the city whose name is Saleport city next to Route 109
2 months ago -
my current team :Shroomish, nincada, Aron, slackoth, zubat, and combusken., my combushkins moveset: double kick, peck, rock tomb, and ember.
3 months ago -
Okay gsesa245 For one I think that a gallade would be much better (IN MY OPINION..) but if that's what you prefer, that's okay. Also I think that Thunderbolt is the main issue..and you should just catch a Pikachu or a manetric.. for that purpose.. if you scroll down in the comments I got a magneton which is better than those.. but other than those
👍 nice pokemon!
3 months ago -
guys rate my gardvoirs moveset Thunderbolt,Shadow ball,Calm mind,Psyic (I cant spell sorry)
3 months ago -
- <1 2 3 4… 30 >
its awesome
1 week ago -