(You can rebind keys by clicking on the "controller" icon at the bottom of the game)
Pokemon FireRed
Developer: Game Freak - 2 151 512 playsThe quest for Pokemon is just about to start. A new, immense world awaits in Pokemon, Fire Red version, the adaptation of the game that was released in 2004 on Game Boy Advance. This remake of the original versions takes you on an epic, gigantic adventure in the Kingdom of Kanto. Collect hundreds of Pokémon all along your journey to add to your collection. Train them to battle, teach them and make them stronger and stronger so that they can eradicate the evil that reigns over the land.

@Osatron3965 3 Shinies in only two hours is diabolical you have crazy luck also, that video of you being able to get Charmander in Rock Tunnel is fake I saw a video like that, but it was with Bulbasaur, and it didn't work. @hydroman You have to be a Gameboy or use an emulator to trade; you cannot trade on Snokido.
1 week ago -
@Osatron3965 u cant get all the starters without trading and I don't know how to trade
2 weeks ago -
again, can you actually get charmader from outside rock tunnel? I have spent 2 hours on this and have gotten a 3 SHINIES with NO charmander. I would greatly appreciate it if someone told me
3 weeks ago -
guys i cuaght a lvl 29 dugtrio when my highest was 24 lol (also there's a version of FireRed on a website called games that lets you use cheats) the first few letters of the word is the website (Kentucky button Ham) ******
4 weeks ago -
Calebdepotato You must download a Game Boy Advance Emulator, once your done downloading you must search for Pokemon Firered or Leafgreen the BOOOM done
3 months ago -
if you wanna cheat first you gotta download pkhex, then download your save too. load your save in pkhex and do whatever you want, then save the .sav file and import it to the emulator
3 months ago -
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@SchillySkbidi515: makes sense. also, tell me your team. mine is charizard, lapras, haunter, snorlax, raichu, and nidoking
1 week ago -