Relic Splatter
Developer: Havana24 - 28 001 playsIn the game Relic Splatter you play as Rebecca Ciler a treasure hunter whose job is to find relics from the past. After a long search she finally found the entrance to the Tonatiuh temple (the sun god in Aztec mythology). Enter the temple and help Rebecca discover all the secrets it contains. For this you will have at your disposal two paint guns which will be useful to propel you into the air but also to discover secret passages. The pink gun will be used to see which walls are fragile and the green gun will fire projectiles capable of destroying those walls. In each level of the temple you will have to find two golden relics to unlock the passage to the next room. But if you are a real collector you can also try to find all the secret Red Relics, there are also two in each level.

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2 years ago -