FNF Vs. Hypno's Lullaby
Developer: Banbuds - 2 009 072 playsFNF Vs. Hypno's Lullaby is a mod for Friday Night Funkin' in which this time Girlfriend will have to sing against a dark and terrifying version of Hypno, a Psy pokemon of the first generation. Boyfriend has disappeared and Girlfriend decides to go out herself to find him, that's where she meets Hypno who asks to follow him in the forest where he apparently saw Boyfriend ... Obviously it's a trap and to escape Girlfriend will have to sing on a very difficult rap battle. Developed by Banbuds (Tricky 2.0), FNF Hypno's Lullaby is a tribute to the famous creepypasta Hypno's Lullaby created by TrainerDerek. In the story mode you can follow Girlfriend's adventures on three new songs offering original game mechanics that will require some adaptation and a lot of training! There is also a fourth secret song that will need to be unlocked.
FNF Vs. Hypno's Lullaby 2.0 Full Week : This massive update for the mod features two full new weeks with many new songs as well as several bonus songs. Animations have been added, the menu has changed and there is now a store where you can buy items that will allow you to progress in the story. Continue the adventure by facing Lost Silver (aka Gold) from the Creepypasta Pokemon Lost Silver on Gameboy Color or even the MissingNo system from Pokemon Red and Blue in a secret week. There are rap battles against well-known characters from the Pokemon universe such as Wigglytuff, Jigglypuff, Ponyta, Steven Stone and many more! There may be other surprises hidden here and there in the mod...
05/19/2023: Added the three missing songs, Brimstone, Death Toll and Pasta Night.
Songs list:
Safety Lullaby - Left Unchecked - Lost Cause - Insomnia - Dissension - Frostbite - Monochrome - Missingno - Isotope - Bygone Purpose - Shinto - Shitno - Amusia - Purin - Brimstone - Death Toll - Pasta Night
Director: Banbuds
Programmers: Yoshubs - Popcorn Colonel - Sector
Composers, musicians: The Innuendo - Mr_NoL - Jacaris - Adam McHummus - Saster - SimplyCrispy - Punkett
Artists: ScorchVx - BonesTheSkelebunny01 - Xooplord - Henryra
Artists, animators: Marco Antonio - Typic - BAnimates - Uncle Joel - Garbo - Zekuta - Kyoto - Rea - Wooked
Charters: gibz679 - niffirg
Vidéos: Razencro
You can download FNF Vs. Hypno's Lullaby from the Original mod page.